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Peak cooling system

System introduction: the peak cooling system is the cooling system for promoting the heat exchange performance through improving the environmental condition of the air cooler running on the basis of the atomizing and moistening principle. After atomizing the desalting water by a high-pressure nozzle, the peak cooling device sprays the water to the vicinity to the air inlet of the air cooler, and the running environment of the air cooler fin tube is improved through reducing the air temperature of the air inlet of the blower and enhancing the humidity, and thereby promoting the advantage of its radiating performance system; the power plant generally applies the direct air cooling system to condensate the dead steam. The limit cooling temperature of the direct air cooling system is the dry ball temperature of air; therefore, its cooling effect is largely influenced by environment. At the high temperature period in summer, the running back pressure of the unit is raised for the largely reduced heat transfer effect of the direct air cooling system, the unit performance is limited. Through apply the atomizing and moistening type peak cooling system, the cooling ability of the direct air cooling system is effectively promoted, and the overall performance of the air cooling system is promoted on the basis of not changing the device layout.

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